Enhanced Reflection Medi Spa, Kamloops

Enhanced Reflection Medi Spa, Kamloops

About Enhanced Reflection Medi Spa

Beautification is a tag-team effort at Enhanced Reflection Medi Spa. Dr. Steven Jones and spa practitioner Karen Robinson combine their unique backgrounds to deliver a diverse menu of treatments that alter appearances without resorting to invasive measures. Using medical-grade products and advanced technology, the duo can help address common concerns such as cellulite, uneven skin tone, and unwanted body hair.

  • Lipotherapy: Natural medicine administered by a multi-needle injection works to minimize cellulite and eliminate fat in common problem areas such as the thighs, abdomen, and chin.
  • IPL Facial: Using intense pulsed light, this facial helps minimize the appearance of sun damage, age spots, veins, and rosacea.
  • Microdermabrasion: A diamond-tipped wand exfoliates away dead skin cells and evenly abrades the top layer of skin to balance the client's complexion.
  • Focused Massage: A therapist hones in on a specific area of discomfort with a customized blend of techniques that can include Swedish massage, stretching, and aromatherapy.

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