About Om Shiatsu
How is your approach different than that of other professionals in your field?
I combine shiatsu massage with reiki and chakra balancing and use Tibetan singing bowls on people's backs. The vibrations go deep into the cells for chakra balancing and activating acupressure points.
What's one tip for first-time customers that will make them feel like regulars?
Bring an open mind and be prepared to experience energy-based massage. Look for the blue house!
What aspect of your job, or the services you offer, most often surprises people?
People are surprised at how good they feel afterward. Many drift off and snooze. Most experience feeling the energy flowing as tingling sensations in their body. Their minds are clear, and explain they feel like they've had a meditation. People are surprised that I use crystals under the massage table to aid in chakra clearing, and sometimes use sound essence mists to balance their auras.