This 8-module course allows students to gain a deeper understanding of sound therapy
Groupon Customer Reviews
About This Deal
The Deal
- $39 for a sound therapy diploma course in 8 modules ($244.01 value)
Centre of Excellence Online
The * Center of Excellence Online * is an online educational institution offering modules and workshops such as psychology, health and writing. All courses are certified by CMA, IAMLPC, and IAHT. Students have no time limit to complete the course, leaving them free to follow at a pleasant pace. Diplomas are awarded by the IANLPC, the IAHT and the * Center of Excellence Online * at the end of the course. Students can also apply for membership in the CMA and receive their professional certification.
Fine Print
Validity: registration required within 2 months of purchase. Course valid for 12 months after registration.
Limitations: 1 coupon per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts.
Other conditions: course is in English only. See the rules that apply to all deals.
Taxes included.
Activation: To redeem your voucher go on this page https://www.centreofexcellence.com/shop/basket/?currency=CAD
Make sure your basket is empty before you start. (Please "remove" any items that may be there)
You will see a box "Apply free course code"
Enter your voucher code (be careful not to copy and paste a space into it)
Click "Apply"
This will add the course(s) and reduce the price to $0.00
Then proceed to the checkout
If you already have an account with us you will be asked to sign in. If you do not have an account you will be asked to register
Once the process is completed your course will be available for you in the "Learning Centre" section of your account
If you have any questions or requests for information, please email enquiries@coecourses.com. The coupon retains its promotional value after expiration.
Learn about Strike-Through Pricing and Savings
Limitations: 1 coupon per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts.
Other conditions: course is in English only. See the rules that apply to all deals.
Taxes included.