Currently Unavailable

Restaurant Kibi

4147 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal

Menu for Two or Four People at Restaurant Kibi (Up to 45% Off)

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Choose between the following options

  • $24 for a 3 course menu for two people (up to $42.10 value)
  • $46 for a 3 course menu for four people ($84.20 value)


Choice of up to $14.95 per person on the dinner menu

Entrée: 3 cuts of Kibi or Accra (up to a $5 value)

Dishes: Large Main Course (Up to a $13.50 value)

Large Thigh Chicken, Grand Griot, Pork Vegetables, Veggie Vegetables, Plantain Sandwich
Vegetable, Ground Corn, Okra, Sandwich Plantain Poulet, Burger Plantain without Gluten, Poutine Griot.

Drink: Traditional cola or coffee ($2.55 value)

Restaurant Kibi

Restaurant Kibi offers a touch of exoticism as much in the dishes as in the reception and the service. Guests will be greeted with Haitian cuisine, composed of all of its most popular classics like the famous griot, plantain bananas, pikliz or conch. In addition to these comforting dishes, the establishment is distinguished by both its quality service and its pleasant and colourful environment.

Fine Print

Validity: Within 3 months of purchase.
Limitations: 1 coupon per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. One coupon is valid for 2 or 4 people only (depending on the option purchased) Limit 1 coupon per table and per group, per visit (maximum of 4 people per table and per group, per visit).
Other conditions: valid only for the proposed menu. Cannot be combined or applied to other promotions. Valid for eat-in or take away. Valid for the option purchased only. See the rules that apply to all deals.
Taxes and tips: taxes not included, applicable to the amount shown on Groupon. Fees not included, and to be based on the non-discounted menu.
Reservation: no reservation required. Arriver with the Groupon on hand.
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About Restaurant Kibi

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